
[EN] FFFF 2015

Česká verze

FFFF is a phenomenon that is hard to describe to someone who has not been there and not needed to describe to someone who had. We went again, Rufus for the first freestyle of the season, Barnabáš to run the SPTF and get running again after the break because of the pain in the paw before.

The adjacent fields are perfect for walks, jogging and chilling. Or for running fast with the ears completely back =).


Barnabáš SPTF: 9 + 12.5 points, 33rd place out of 51. In the first round I misjudged the time and did not manage the last disc; in the second I wanted to take a lesson from this error and did quite the contrary -- made the last but first too short, thus losing points. Barnabáš was striving but in all his fur and the heat around and after the recent injury he was a bit slower and I did not adjust enough.

Rufus SPTF: 8 + 7.5 points, 39th place.

Rufík Freestyle Starters: pleasing 7th place out of 14. The goal was not to win but rather to get comfortable with tomfooling in front of many people. Nice surprise was that our somewhat crazy music got understood and people seemed to be enjoying. I am quite satisfied =).

Michal is a professional fireman and was handling the hose-pipe at the beer race excellently.
Complete results
Pictures by Anna Postnikova
Facebook of the event

A typical Czech party in the preparation stage =).

See you next (well, this;)) year, I hope!

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