
Lahovičské dogfrisbee závody 2012

To earn more experience we participated this family atmosphere competition (only 9 teams). Despite grim forecast, the weather was perfect: hardly any wind, almost cloudy sky assuring enough light but no glare and moderate temperature. Well, my view of a "spacious training ground" is a bit different but it turned out to be perfectly fitting for this purpose =).

"Are you sure, you want me to release it?" Photo from http://manberry.rajce.idnes.cz/


  • Barnabáš: 4th place
  • Rufus: 3rd place

Quickly back. Photo from http://manberry.rajce.idnes.cz/

Time trial

  • Barnabáš: 2nd place (0:23:40)
  • Rufus: 6th place (0:37:94)
Pursuing a higher throw. Photo from http://manberry.rajce.idnes.cz


Thanks to Pavla for organisation, prize nibbles were tasty =).

Was I too quick or the disc too slow =)? Photo from http://manberry.rajce.idnes.cz/


Smooth collie meeting 2012

Usual place, usual agenda and as always a tremendous experience. The atmosphere has been slightly more intimate due to less participants, leading to one group instead of several smaller ones and talking to more previously unknown people.

Photo by Lída Machačová, http://www.royalstuart.wbs.cz/

Competitions were not the most important part (though being the fourth in the calling competition and the second in the tunnel competition made me proud of Rufík a bit =)), we are carrying fine experience with us. Barnabáš stood at home, enabling us to take a train and Ruf to show, he is an experienced traveler, calmly sleeping around legs of foreign people in the coupé  =). Except for dog laryngitis (probably caught from a coughing dog in the train) meeting was great.  We would like to thank to the organizers and are looking forward for future actions.
