
Memoriál Jindry Pecháčka 2014

Interestingly, this seems to be the first official dogfrisbee competition that I have ever visited with one dog only. Unfortunately, Barnabáš was having some trouble with his back, so I took Rufus for one day only.

The competition itself took place on a beautiful place with a particularly friendly atmosphere and was a pleasure to visit and not only because of the campfire with guitar songs in the evening.

Some results

SuperMiniDistance: first round quite nice (12 points is more then we usually achieve), the second wasn't the most coordinated (5.5 points). In overall 38th from 53.
DogDartbee: weak, 60 points, split 41st place from 52.
Special game: we finally took part in the usual game of this competition -- Dogdartbee with drawn dogs. Rufík with Dominika Chudobová scored more with less throws than in the official part, so I have a lot to think about =).

See also:


Dogfrisbee Camp 2014

This year we've attended the great camp of the Verča&Marky&Míša gang.

And since we were too busy enjoying and practising, there aren't very many pictures from me =). If you want more, have a look at the beautiful pictures by Yvonna and a nice gallery from Marcela.


Fun Factory For Frisbee 2014

It's been quite exactly two years since our first dogfrisbee competition and that is the right time for our second freestyle. The point achievements were terrible but the main goal -- to relax the nervosity during the performance -- went surprisingly well.

Rufík has shown high motivation in the burning sun, Barnabáš managed to crash himself during quite an innocent manoeuvre (fortunately without any big consequences) and performed beautifully in the minidistance. Some pictures follow.

Pája & Cawick won the prize for the best freestyle.

Unidentified flying discs everywhere =).

Verča & File

Iveta is the dream of every orthopedist.

Lucka and Jim are matched better on each event.


Rufus' DM and PRA testing

Good news everyone!

Rufus got tested in Slovgen for degenerative myelopathy (DM) and PRA-rcd2. Results are more than pleasing: in both cases Rufus is N/N (G/G), i.e., non-affected, healthy homozygous.



DiscDog Fun Weekend 2014

Traditional competition in Nymburk, funny wind and friendly company.


Barnabáš scored nice 28.5 in Super Mini Distance (20th/46), Rufus just 14.5 (41st). Dogdartbee wasn't that successful, Barnabáš 90 points (24th/48), Rufík 70 (31st).


Either nervosity or lack of skill or whatever, the results aren't very impressive =). Barnabáš in Time trial full time, Rufík in Quadruped 0 caught discs. The good thing is at least that I managed to catch the evening train without hurry ;).

Photogalleries & links


Callibra DiscDog Challenge 2014

Our first competition of the new season took part in Židlochovice in Southern Moravia. A bit smaller event with very friendly atmosphere, relaxed time schedule and perfect catering by Maty. Some results follow.


In Super Pro Toss and Fetch Barnabáš caught 19.5 points, overall 20th place out of 43. Rufík got into trouble with not so perfect throws in the wind, only 3 points and sub-optimal 41st place.

In Dog Dartbee Barnabáš scored nice 160 points (190 was necessary to qualify for the second part) and ended 11th from 46. Rufík caught 60 and got the 32nd place.

Iveta & Beri


Except for a nice qualification to time trial the human factor started to fail heavily.

With Rufík we got into a tough qualification group in Quadruped (Ondra Uhlíř /5th/, Marius Kelczik /2nd/ and Jiřka Piskoř /1st/) and instead of concentrating on our best the throws were really bad. Rufík had a chance to catch only a very short 33.5m fling, resulting in 10th place out of 11. Training the whole Saturday evening wasn't enough =).

Mejzí from Kristýna Nosková just breaks the world record with 81.5m.
Barnabáš qualified in Time Trial with 20.93s. In the second round the opponent I got too concentrated on the opponent and his mistakes and threw really bad and thus lost. Overall 11th place from 38 is very nice but could have been even better.

Complete results are here.

Bray "Jayro" Valkar


svět za zrcadlem (Gwenfoto)


A trip to Děvín

A couple of pictures from a lovely walk to Děvín. Because even we go for just a walk time to time =).