
Some 2012 autumn pics

Some yet unpublished pictures have been discovered in the computer, so you may please your eyes by watching 'em ;).

Late autumn in Břevnov
A wise look
My left ear stands a bit, so you may have a brief look inside =).
Monkey see -- monkey do.

I have also been sent some pictures from Lahovice =).

A really tall ``Choďák", as seen by Lubomír Vičan

Rufík uses the Ultimate Frisbee style, i.e. running below the disc and then trying to catch that ... well to do so with his mouth is untrivial =). (photo by Lubomír Vičan)

For the webpage to look cool, also a pic with some diplomas is a must. Note, that Barnabáš is humble and does not seem to be enjoying the shooting (by Lubomír Vičan)


Bye Bye Summer 2012

Let's put some rests up:

To conclude our season, we attended Bye-Bye Summer DDFW. Proverbial cold exceeded my expectations. When realized that not only I am throwing really poorly in the wind and cold but I am don't enjoy that too much in the mud, I decided to quit on Saturday afternoon (yes, on Sunday, the weather without us was much better suited for frisbee =D). The only one of us three, who was apparently happy from being in such weather was Barnabáš =).

"Looks, someone is running in the snow!"
 Results are really shameful, the mistake is completely on the thrower's side of the disc.

Super Minidistance

  • Barnabáš 2 points, 79th place, below only those, who haven't caught anything =).
  • Ruf 9 points, 44th place, 11.5 was the minimum required for the second round.

DogDartbee (6 throw qualification)

  • Barnabáš 10 points, 49th place
  • Rufík 30 points, 38th place
It was a good decision to buy a good tent in the summer =).
 Happy to survive without catching a ``rýmička" and looking forward to some more warm action in the spring =).
Task: guess, where the competition was being held =).