Lucky with the calender, we have managed to visit three competitions right in the beginning of the season.
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Barnabáš during the Paralell Time Trial in Židlochovice (fourth place in the end). Thanks for the photo to Lubomír Vičan. |
Welcome Summer 2015 (Dvůr Králové nad Labem)
- Barnabáš glared in Super Pro Toss and Fetch, where he caught nice 33.5 points (and two more long throws were just near misses) and has ended on the shared 27th to 29th place from 83.
- Rufus, on the other hand, got distracted by some smell in the first round and even the decent 10 points from the second round didn't yield more than the 76th place.
- The rest of the competition somehow failed mostly due to poorly executed throws, although in the windy Quadruped we improved our record to 38.5 m.
- Complete results here.
5. Morava DiscDog Distance (Majetín)
I haven't manage to tackle with the wind that badly that we should not talk too much about that. Pleasant was the KanJam, which was quite adventurous in the wind and the fact that there was almost no snow and even the rain somehow avoided the place through close neighbourhoods. We are also coming for a camp here in summer and the place looks almost perfect. In the results look for Rufus only, as Barnabáš was at home after tartar cleaning.
Calibra DiscDog Challenge 2015 (Židlochovice)
Most of the weekend I haven't given the boys any chance of catching due to suboptimal throws, but in the Time Trial, Barnabáš very reliably caught what was necessary and got even to the semifinals. There we lost against experienced Agnieszka Losak a then even to the quick border collie Judo from Ondra Uhlíř, but the resulting fourth place (out of 42) makes me happy and proud of Barnabáš! Even the cold in the night and sunburns from Sunday were worth it =). Add a great company and Maty's luxurious catering and you get a great event. Complete results.