
Czech DiscDog Fun Marathon 2012, Nymburk

Mimicking other major maintainers of dogpages even we have decided to start repairing our backlogs =).

Competition in Nymburk took place in rather windy but pleasantly muggy weather. Fine location near the city center attracts not only competitors from a wide vicinity but also several secular spectators. And there was a lot to see.

Starting on Friday with Quadruped and our favourite DogDartbee, Rufus caught 35.5m in Quadruped, so luckily we got over one half of Lucka Schönová's incredible World record thrown there =). Experienced guys like Marek Lehuta haven't let us pass to semifinals, so the final result is 12th place out of 16. Only one dog per player was allowed, so Barnabáš was having a rest ;).

As for the DogDartbee, experiments in the wind have taken us to 90 points for Barnabáš and 60 for Rufík, far below 160 necessary for the semifinals. So the boys have ended 29th and 43rd respectively.

On Saturday, we haven't shown much of a nice throwing in the Minidistance, ending on positions 52 (Ruf) and 53 with 6 and 5.5. respectively (only top 28 from 64 got on to the second round for time limitations). Last but not least, Barnabáš showed two nice catches in the first round of the Time trial, ending with 25.32s on the nice 16th place from 36. With Rufus, two unbelievably ugly sequences of throws have led to 34th place (luckily we are close to the beginning of the alphabet, preventing us from being the last with the same score =)).

The results are still not very breathtaking but the key point, gaining experience on the competition, worked well. And three day trip to Orlické hory starting on Saturday evening was a nice follow-up. And one more joke for the end: in the current ranking of Dogshop dogfrisbee league, Barnabáš is 66th, so one day I can tell the grandchildren that at least for a short while (thanks to attending more competitions so far) we were above Lucka & Boogie, about whom we will hear a lot in the future =).
